Saturday, January 29, 2011

Meet Marat/Sade!

This is Marat.

Or rather, the dude playing the crazypants playing Marat.

Michael Q. Tonus is a noble graduate of McGill University. In real life, he is fairly ambivalent towards baths and generally prefers a shower.

This is Sade.
Or rather, the dude playing the crazypants that is the Marquis de Sade.

When we found Samuel Steinbock-Pratt whipping himself vigourously the other day with our cat-o'-nine-tails, he claimed it was part of his method. We chose to believe him.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Follow this blog for updates, anecdotes, pictures, and all manner of things as we stumble and lurch toward opening night!

We'll see you there, February 9th to 19th, 2011.

Visit our page on the Players' Theatre website for more information.

Happy bathing!


Carling (Director)