Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Victory Parade For Marat! Also, Blood

Let's talk about standing ovations.

They're great. Really. The thing is, if you think about it, they're kind of like forest fires, in that they spread rapidly, occur only under the right conditions, and enable the reproduction of the Jack Pine tree. (Or something.) Unlike forest fires (unless you're a Jack Pine), they're also highly addictive.

In other news...

So let's say there's a play going on. One of the characters always has a knife on her person. One carries a wooden staff with a metal disk nailed to the bottom. One carries a walking stick with a smart little brass knob handle. On top of that, people get lifted, carried, hop up and down on a wooden board under which Michael's shins are the only break between that and the ground. And then, there's the violence. Hella violence. So which do you think would draw the first blood?

None of the above, obviously, or I wouldn't have perpetrated such a buildup. No. It was the effing metal buckets.
Pictured above: a dirty malicious bastard.

That's all. Carling out.