Thursday, February 3, 2011


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fashion and Fighting

Speaking of fighting, this morning I (do you even know who I am? It's okay if you don't. I'm Suzanne. I'm the Assistant Stage Manager. I'm not nearly as awesome as anyone else in the production, but they let me hang around with them anyways)

Anyways, this morning I was lying on my bed, and I rolled over on my side, and I felt pain. Because there was a giant bruise on my hip. So I rolled over onto my other side, and I felt can guess why.

So I decided to get up and count my bruises...and that's when I realized it was three in the morning, and I'd only gone to bed twenty minutes ago. Which was a depressing fact, admittedly, but not worthy of stopping my forwards progress - so I started counting my bruises.

About six. Respectable. Normal. Fine. Nothing to complain about. And they're all hidden under my clothes anyways, I thought. And went back to bed.

But this morning, I was putting my shirt on when I realized... there's a huge bruise on my collarbone (which makes seven bruises) . Like, gigantic. Like, "Oh, are you okay, honey?" big. Like, everyone who sees me will think that I'm being abused.

The truth, however? I wasn't unhappy at all. In fact, I was ecstatic. Because the purplish brown color of my bruise...matched my shirt perfectly.

Thank God for fight choreography. It made my outfit.

The First Rule of Fight Club Is...

Here's a teaser for some of the fight choreography we've been working on...don't miss the real thing!!

Marat beating the crap Simmone

Pretty self-explanitory


Mah name eez Monsieur Balloftape. Een my younger et more vulnerable days, I was Monsieur Longpieceoftape, dedicated to keepeeng all lines straight for all set deesigneurs partout. As yew can see, theengs have changed. Mais do not be fooled by mah sedentary appeeranze. Ah assure yew ah am quaht cahpahble of many theengs, including:

1. Performeeng ze same baseec function as ze snowball wizout ze inconvenience of ze melting.
2. Supervizeeng ze tech booth.
3. 'Aunting your dreams.

I weell 'ave no master, mais I seek a partner for my plan of WORLD DOMEENATION. Wiz my unique skeell set and your opposable tumbs, we can accomplish anyzing... including exacteeng revenge upon she who humeeleeated me, who trew me away like I was garbage. I am comeeng for you, chérie. Soon yew weell know what eet ees to be a balled up!

M. Balloftape

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is ya man on the floor?

So as it happens, my futuristic cyberpunk thing got vetoed. Those fools.
That could have been the Empereur Galactique de Sade's chair. But nooooo.

So then this happened:
Above: Sam (Sade) ruining my cool candid action shot.

Then we could walk on it.

Then we pulled the tape up.
Above: Melissa (Simonne) and Emily (Cucurucu) about to pull a Lady and the Tramp. (But then they didn't, and it was hugely disappointing.)

Then our floor was done!

Thanks to Natalie for the superfun supercool wood-texturing tools!

At one point, while I was watching the run (which went extremely well, considering Chana the stage manager and I were having too much fun shrugging obnoxiously at the actors when they dropped lines), I suddenly went "Holy [redacted], I totally thought it was wood!" It was a nice surprise, and you know what? I think this show's actually going to happen. Now if we could all pretend my stress pimple is a beauty mark, that would just be aces.

Monday, January 31, 2011


This is our floor right now.

It was suppose to be temporary until we could put down the brown paint, but I'm thinking I kind of like it. Stay tuned for our futuristic cyperpunk re-imagining of Marat/Sade, coming to you this February 9th to 19th, 2011 at Players' Theatre.