Friday, February 11, 2011

What Is That Boat You're Rocking In?: How to Introduce Your Parents to Your Twisted, Twisted Psyche

Pictured: a less awkward parental situation than the whole of act II for me last night.

First off, let me give my parents some credit: obviously they never held any delusion that I was "normal". (I mean, what is normal? Who is normal? Nobody, really.) And there's a way of maintaining that illusion, as everyone knows. It has a lot to do with loudly and obnoxiously disagreeing with acts of sex or violence, or both, in the TV show or movie you happen to be watching. And I was considering trying the same thing with Marat/Sade, you know, just sort of scoffing at every bit of sex or violence or sexy violence or violent sex. And then I realized that I couldn't really fool them, I mean, for one, my name's on the poster... awkward.

One might say it's worse for the actors, who have to actually act out my twistiness, but at least I make a wonderful scapegoat when their parents demand an explanation.

For the record, my parents were very, very cool about it. (To my face.)

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